When this box is checked, pressing the Delete key (Backspace key on Classic keyboards) sends the delete character. To send a backspace character instead, click this checkbox.
To move the cursor to the beginning of a new line when you press return or when your Macintosh receives a line-feed character in incoming data, click this checkbox.
When this box is checked, the cursor moves to the beginning of the next line. To move the cursor just to the next line (not to the beginning), click this checkbox.
Click here to select the GO character set.
This option is not available in VT52 terminal mode.
Click here to select the G1 character set.
To select the character set used to display text in your VT102 window, choose an item from this pop-up menu and click the G0 button. The G1 character set becomes the alternate. You can switch between these sets using the Control-O and Control-N keys.
To select the character set used to display text in your VT102 window, choose an item from this pop-up menu and click the G1 button. The G0 character set becomes the alternate. You can switch between these sets using the Control-O and Control-N keys.
To specify a character set from which you can retrieve one character at a time, choose an item from this menu. Press Escape-N to select a character from this set.
To specify a character set from which you can retrieve one character at a time, choose an item from this menu. Press Escape-O to select a character from this set.
To add another character set to the Active and Temporary Character Set pop-up menus, choose a language from this menu.